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Sky Zone Expanding To Silicon Valley, CA

 Sky Zone, the leader in the indoor active entertainment industry, today announced a new franchise agreement for an upcoming Sky Zone Park in Silicon Valley, CA with local resident and entrepreneur, Yim MurphySky Zone continues to expand rapidly across California, with its current 21 locations set to exceed 30 by year end 2023.


Full article by PRNewswire can be found here.

SILICON VALLEY, Calif., June 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Sky Zone, the leader in the indoor active entertainment industry, today announced a new franchise agreement for an upcoming Sky Zone Park in Silicon Valley, CA with local resident and entrepreneur, Yim Murphy. Sky Zone continues to expand rapidly across California, with its current 21 locations set to exceed 30 by year end 2023.

“By experiencing Sky Zone’s unparalleled fun and engaging atmosphere as a guest first through numerous trips with my son and purchasing a membership – I knew quickly that I wanted to be a part of it on a larger scale,” said Yim Murphy. “Having over 15 years of experience with personal care franchises, I’m excited to bring my expertise to Sky Zone and make active play more accessible in the Silicon Valley community and surrounding areas.”

As the leader in the indoor active entertainment industry and innovator of bounce-off-the-walls fun, Sky Zone gives children the freedom to run, jump and play on a unique mix of attractions, including Ninja Courses that spark friendly competition; the Toddler Zone, a perfect place for the youngest jumpers to play; springy Air Courts that give guests of all abilities an extra boost while shooting baskets or scoring soccer goals; Drop Zones that provide a soft landing for the most fearless fliers; interactive iWalls that immerse players in a full-body play experience; and incredible Zip Lines that send riders soaring across the park.

“As the industry continues to grow, Sky Zone remains the first choice for those looking to invest in active entertainment,” said Mike Revak, Sky Zone SVP of Franchise and Park Operations. “We’re thrilled to welcome Yim Murphy into our franchise network and look forward to bringing a new park to the Bay Area where we are quickly expanding.”

Sky Zone is the ultimate location for birthday, team and school parties – with set up, clean up and hosting included. Sky Zone also offers parents many other options to keep their kids in on the action, including memberships that provide daily access, exclusive savings and invitations to members-only events.

With aggressive expansion plans, Sky Zone is searching for engaged community and business leaders to add to its ever-growing roster of new franchisees. To learn more about Sky Zone, visit

About Sky Zone:

Sky Zone is the active play destination for kids and kids at heart. The leader in indoor active entertainment, Sky Zone owns, operates and franchises parks across the US and Canada.  The company helps its over 350,000 members and millions of yearly visitors make memorable moments with more than 60 smile-inducing attractions. Sky Zone elevates celebrations to the extraordinary, hosting millions of children at unforgettable birthday, team, and school parties every year. For more information about Sky Zone and to find your local park, visit

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